Birth Story Of Isaac william

We had a prenatal visit on Monday evening at 8:00 PM and I was showing no signs of labor yet. We were 39+4 and baby was still high and posterior.

On Tuesday morning about 4:00 AM I started early labor and was having contractions anywhere from 10-20minutes apart and I started to lose my mucus plug! I texted Emily right away and told her what was going on. Well, things subsided a bit after that. I was able to take a nap that morning and I notified Emily that I thought things had slowed down.

Throughout the day I did keep having contractions, but they were still pretty far apart, so I didn’t want to bother Emily. About 11:30PM on Tuesday night things started to get a bit more intense and I let Emily know that things were picking up, but I knew it wasn’t time yet.

Overnight the contractions kept getting stronger. Emily and I were talking. I updated her again at about 12:30 PM on Wednesday when it shifted. She asked, “Do you think your contractions have gotten any stronger?” I said “Oh Yes!” and right away she said she was on her way. She was at our house in no time. When her and her assistant got to our house, I was watching TV and just breathing through them.

After she got settled in my house and set-up, she listened to the baby and checked my cervix. I was already dilated to 7 or 8 cm! I had told my husband I thought I was barely going to be dilated, but that was not the case.

Emily and her assistant started setting the pool up and getting everything else ready right away. They barely had the pool filled, before I started to feel the urge to push. I sunk into the hot pool for a few minutes. But, with the baby being posterior, I was having terrible butt/back pain and the bed ended up being the most comfortable spot for me.

At the very end, I kept telling them “I can’t do this!” She very calmly told me “Yes You Can!” and “You’re so close to having him out.”

I only pushed for about 30 minutes before our beautiful baby boy was here at 3:18PM on Wednesday!

As soon as he was delivered, I started to have some pretty serious bleeding (which bleeding shouldn’t have started until after the placenta was out). My husband said he started to worry, but through it all Emily was so calm and that relieved him. We started talking about potentially using medications, but the bleeding let up soon after she talked to me about that, while she was caring for me.

Emily and her assistant stayed with us for several hours and made sure the baby latched well, cleaned everything up from the birth (plus some) and made sure I had everything I could possibly need before they left.

Emily truly made my first pregnancy and my first birth so memorable, magical and perfect despite all the pain I was in for 36 hours. We will definitely have Emily as our midwife if we ever have anymore children!

She even texted me that night to make sure everything was going good at 1am. She also texted us for days after that just to check in. Overall, we are so blessed to have found Emily with Ohio Midwife and are so happy to have had our beautiful baby boy delivered by such a kind, caring woman AT HOME!